Side Plank Yoga Pose
Side Plank Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the triceps and wrists and is ideal for…
Dragonfly Yoga Pose
Parsva Bhuja Dandasana
Dragonfly Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for yogis…
Elephant’s Trunk Yoga Pose
Eka Hasta Bhujasana
Elephant’s Trunk Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for…
Scale Yoga Pose
Scale Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and abs and is ideal for yogis…
Visvamitra’s Yoga Pose
Visvamitra’s Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the hamstrings and lats and is ideal for yogis…
Arm Balance Scorpion Yoga Pose
Bhuja Vrschikasana
Arm Balance Scorpion is an arm balance, inversion pose that targets the shoulders and is ideal for yogis and yoginis…
Devotion Scorpion Yoga Pose
Sraddha Vrschikasana
Devotion Scorpion Yoga Pose is an arm balance, inversion pose that targets the shoulders and is ideal for yogis…
Upward Plank Yoga Pose
Upward Plank Yoga Pose is an arm balance, backbend pose that targets the shoulders and chest and is ideal…
One Leg Side Crane Yoga Pose
Eka Pada Parsva Bakasana
One Leg Side Crane Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the hamstrings and is ideal for…
Twisted One Legged Arm Balance Yoga Pose
Eka Pada Koundinyasana I
Twisted One Legged Arm Balance is an arm balance pose that stretches the biceps and triceps and is ideal…
Flying Crow Yoga Pose
Eka Pada Galavasana
Flying Crow Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the hamstrings and is ideal for yogis and yoginis…
Handstand Yoga Pose
Adho Mukha Vrksasana
Handstand Yoga Pose is an arm balance, inversion pose that targets the shoulders and is ideal for yogis and…
Wild Thing Yoga Pose
Wild Thing Yoga Pose is a backbend, arm balance pose that targets the quads and shoulders and is ideal…
Plank Yoga Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana
Plank Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for yogis…
Peacock Yoga Pose
Peacock Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for yogis…
Four Limbed Staff Yoga Pose
Chaturanga Dandasana
Four Limbed Staff Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal…
Feathered Peacock Yoga Pose
Pincha Mayurasana
Feathered Peacock Yoga Pose is an arm balance, inversion pose that targets the shoulders and is ideal for yogis…
Firefly Yoga Pose
Firefly Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for yogis…
Dolphin Plank Yoga Pose
Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana
Dolphin Plank Yoga Pose is an arm balance yoga pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is ideal…
Crane Yoga Pose
Crane Yoga Pose is an arm balance yoga pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for…