Child's Yoga Pose


Child’s Yoga Pose

Child’s Yoga Pose is a resting pose that targets the hips and is ideal for yogis and yoginis at a beginner level.

muladhara – the root chakra
related poses



How To Do Child's Yoga Pose
  1. Begin by kneeling on the mat, insides of the big toes touching. Separate your knees and take each one near the edge of your mat, roughly hip-width apart. Extend your arms completely and place your hands on the mat shoulder-width apart and about two feet in front of your knees, palms down and fingers spread. Your torso will be leaning forward slightly, lifting the buttocks a few inches away from the heels.
  2. Press your toes into the floor and exhale as you lower your torso and bring your elbows to the floor, forearms parallel and flat on the mat. Lower your buttocks toward the heels and continue to lower your torso forward, lengthening the neck and resting your forehead on the mat between your elbows, folding your torso over the thighs.
  3. Lengthen your tailbone upward and away from the back of the pelvic bone. Bring your hands back, laying your arms by your thighs with your palms up and fingers pointing backward. Your hands should be on the outsides of your feet.
  4. Hold this pose, breathing deeply into the belly, for 30-60 seconds or longer. To come out, place your hands at your knees and exhale as you lift your torso up, lengthening the spine and lifting the tailbone.
  • Breathe deeply through each step.
  • Breath steadily and deeply into the stomach and lower back. Imagine that your lower back is expanding and contracting in the same way as your lungs.
  • If you have a knee injury, avoid this pose or perform only with a yoga trainer present.
  • Avoid this pose if you have diarrhea or are pregnant.

Balasana is a resting pose, but for beginners can be a deep forward bend warm-up.
This pose is great for countering backbends, such as Cobra Pose or Bridge Pose.

Stretches & Strengthens

All Muscles: Hips, quads, ankles

Target Muscles: Hips

Health Benefits of Child’s Yoga Pose
  • Can reduce headaches.
  • Can relieve stress, tension and fatigue.
  • Can relieve mild back and neck pain.

Sanskrit Name & Meaning

Sanskrit Name & Meaning



bala: infant, child, girl, boy
asana: posture

History & Mythology

History & Mythology

There’s gotta be some history or mythology on this pose! We’ve looked high and low and have only come up with this message. Perhaps you have some information or resource for us to explore?