the third eye chakra
Upward Revolved Knee to Head Yoga Pose
Urdhva Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana
Upward Revolved Knee to Head Yoga Pose is a seated pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is…
Upward Warrior II Yoga Pose
Urdhva Virabhadrasana II
Upward Warrior II Yoga Pose is a standing pose that targets the inner thighs and lats and is ideal…
Warrior II Yoga Pose
Virabhadrasana II
Warrior II Yoga Pose is a standing pose that targets the calves and is ideal for yogis and yoginis…
Warrior III Yoga Pose
Virabhadrasana III
Warrior III Yoga Pose is a standing pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is ideal for yogis…
Hands and Knees Balance Yoga Pose
Hands and Knees Balance Yoga Pose is a balance pose that targets the abs and hamstrings and is ideal…
Little Thunderbolt Yoga Pose
Laghu Vajrasana
Little Thunderbolt Yoga Pose is a backbend pose that targets the quads and abs and is ideal for yogis…
Foot Behind Head Yoga Pose
Eka Pada Sirsasana
Foot Behind Head Yoga Pose is a seated yoga pose that targets the hamstrings and hips and is ideal…
Warrior I Yoga Pose
Warrior I Yoga Pose is a standing pose that targets the calves and is ideal for yogis and yoginis…
One Legged Downward Facing Dog Yoga Pose
Eka Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana
One Legged Downward Facing Dog Yoga Pose is a standing pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is…
Tree Yoga Pose
Tree Yoga Pose is a standing, balance pose that targets the inner thighs and shoudlers and is ideal for yogis and…
Lying Down Westward Yoga Pose
Supta Paschimottanasana
Lying Down Westward Yoga Pose is an inversion, forward bend pose that targets the hamstrings and lower back and…
Twisted One Legged Arm Balance Yoga Pose
Eka Pada Koundinyasana I
Twisted One Legged Arm Balance is an arm balance pose that stretches the biceps and triceps and is ideal…
Half Frog Pigeon Yoga Pose
Ardha Bheka Kapotasana
Half Frog Pigeon Yoga Pose is a backbend pose that targets the quads and is ideal for yogis and yoginis at…
Downward Facing Pigeon Yoga Pose
Adho Mukha Kapostana
Downward Facing Pigeon Yoga Pose is a forward bend pose that targets the glutes and hips and is ideal for yogis…
Revolved Seated Forward Bend Yoga Pose
Parivrtta Paschimottanasana
Revolved Seated Forward Bend Yoga Pose is a seated twist, forward bend pose that targets the hamstrings and is ideal for…