
  • Revolved Camel Yoga Pose

    Revolved Camel Yoga Pose

    Parivrtta Ustrasana

    Revolved Camel Yoga Pose is a backbend pose that targets the quads and shoulders and is ideal for yogis…

  • Revolved Knee to Head IV Yoga Pose

    Revolved Knee to Head IV Yoga Pose

    Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana IV

    Revolved Knee to Head IV Yoga Pose is a backbend, arm balance pose that targets the quads and shoulders…

  • Reclining Angle Yoga Pose

    Reclining Angle Yoga Pose

    Supta Konasana

    Reclining Angle Yoga Pose is a reclined, inverted forward bend pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is…

  • Sleeping Yogi Yoga Pose

    Sleeping Yogi Yoga Pose


    Sleeping Yogi Yoga Pose is a reclined, inverted forward bend pose that targets the hamstrings and spine and is…

  • Upward Revolved Knee to Head Yoga Pose

    Upward Revolved Knee to Head Yoga Pose

    Urdhva Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

    Upward Revolved Knee to Head Yoga Pose is a seated pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is…

  • Standing Split Yoga Pose

    Standing Split Yoga Pose

    Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana

    Standing Split Yoga Pose is a standing, balance pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is ideal for…

  • Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose

    Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose

    Svarga Dvidasana

    Bird of Paradise Yoga Pose is a standing, balance pose that targets the hamstrings and groin and is ideal…

  • Compass Yoga Pose

    Compass Yoga Pose

    Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana

    Compass Yoga Pose is a seated pose that targets the hamstrings and is ideal for yogis and yoginis at…

  • Dragonfly Yoga Pose

    Dragonfly Yoga Pose

    Parsva Bhuja Dandasana

    Dragonfly Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for yogis…

  • Elephant’s Trunk Yoga Pose

    Elephant’s Trunk Yoga Pose

    Eka Hasta Bhujasana

    Elephant’s Trunk Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for…

  • Open Leg Side Shoulderstand Yoga Pose

    Open Leg Side Shoulderstand Yoga Pose

    Eka Pada Parsva Sarvangasana

    Open Leg Side Shoulderstand Yoga Pose is an inversion pose that targets the shoulders and hamstrings and is ideal…

  • Tortoise Yoga Pose

    Tortoise Yoga Pose


    Tortoise Yoga Pose is a seated, forward bend pose that targets the hamstrings and shoulders and is ideal for…

  • Revolved Split Legged Headstand Yoga Pose

    Revolved Split Legged Headstand Yoga Pose

    Parivrttaikapada Sirsasana

    Revolved Split Legged Headstand Yoga Pose is an inversion, twist pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is…

  • Little Thunderbolt Yoga Pose

    Little Thunderbolt Yoga Pose

    Laghu Vajrasana

    Little Thunderbolt Yoga Pose is a backbend pose that targets the quads and abs and is ideal for yogis…

  • Foot Behind Head Yoga Pose

    Foot Behind Head Yoga Pose

    Eka Pada Sirsasana

    Foot Behind Head Yoga Pose is a seated yoga pose that targets the hamstrings and hips and is ideal…

  • Mermaid Yoga Pose

    Mermaid Yoga Pose

    Eka Pada Rajakapotasana III

    Mermaid Yoga Pose is a backbend pose that targets the quads and shoulders and is ideal for yogis and…

  • Visvamitra’s Yoga Pose

    Visvamitra’s Yoga Pose


    Visvamitra’s Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the hamstrings and lats and is ideal for yogis…

  • Arm Balance Scorpion Yoga Pose

    Arm Balance Scorpion Yoga Pose

    Bhuja Vrschikasana

    Arm Balance Scorpion is an arm balance, inversion pose that targets the shoulders and is ideal for yogis and yoginis…

  • Bound Half Lotus Forward Bend Yoga Pose

    Bound Half Lotus Forward Bend Yoga Pose

    Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana

    Bound Half Lotus Forward Bend is a forward bend yoga pose that stretches the calves and hamstrings and is…

  • Tripod Headstand Yoga Pose

    Tripod Headstand Yoga Pose

    Mukta Hasta Sirsasana

    Tripod Headstand is an inverted yoga pose that targets the triceps and abs and is ideal for yogis and…

  • Half Lotus Side Shoulderstand Yoga Pose

    Half Lotus Side Shoulderstand Yoga Pose

    Ardha Padma Parsva Sarvangasana

    Half Lotus Side Shoulderstand Yoga Pose is an inversion pose that targets the quads and shoulders and is ideal…

  • Half Frog Side Shoulderstand Yoga Pose

    Half Frog Side Shoulderstand Yoga Pose

    Ardha Bheka Parsva Sarvangasana

    Half Frog Side Shoulderstand Yoga Pose is a standing pose that targets the shoulders and is ideal for yogis…

  • Revolved Half Moon Yoga Pose

    Revolved Half Moon Yoga Pose

    Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana

    Revolved Half Moon Yoga Pose is a standing pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is ideal for yogis and…

  • One Leg Side Crane Yoga Pose

    One Leg Side Crane Yoga Pose

    Eka Pada Parsva Bakasana

    One Leg Side Crane Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the hamstrings and is ideal for…

  • Lying Down Westward Yoga Pose

    Lying Down Westward Yoga Pose

    Supta Paschimottanasana

    Lying Down Westward Yoga Pose is an inversion, forward bend pose that targets the hamstrings and lower back and…

  • Twisted One Legged Arm Balance Yoga Pose

    Twisted One Legged Arm Balance Yoga Pose

    Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

    Twisted One Legged Arm Balance is an arm balance pose that stretches the biceps and triceps and is ideal…

  • Flying Crow Yoga Pose

    Flying Crow Yoga Pose

    Eka Pada Galavasana

    Flying Crow Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the hamstrings and is ideal for yogis and yoginis…

  • Side Crow Yoga Pose

    Side Crow Yoga Pose

    Parsva Kakasana

  • Extended Leg Headstand Yoga Pose

    Extended Leg Headstand Yoga Pose

    Utthita Pada Sirsasana

    Extended Leg Headstand Yoga Pose is a balance, inversion pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is ideal for yogis…

  • Handstand Yoga Pose

    Handstand Yoga Pose

    Adho Mukha Vrksasana

    Handstand Yoga Pose is an arm balance, inversion pose that targets the shoulders and is ideal for yogis and…

  • Wild Thing Yoga Pose

    Wild Thing Yoga Pose


    Wild Thing Yoga Pose is a backbend, arm balance pose that targets the quads and shoulders and is ideal…

  • Upward Facing Two Foot Staff Yoga Pose

    Upward Facing Two Foot Staff Yoga Pose

    Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana

    Upward Facing Two Foot Staff Yoga Pose is a backbend pose that targets the abs and chest and is…

  • Shoulder Pressing Yoga Pose

    Shoulder Pressing Yoga Pose


    Shoulder Pressing Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the inner thighs and is ideal for yogis…

  • King Pigeon Yoga Pose

    King Pigeon Yoga Pose


    King Pigeon Yoga Pose is a back bend pose that targets the abs and chest and is ideal for…

  • Half Frog Yoga Pose

    Half Frog Yoga Pose

    Ardha Bhekasana

    Half Frog Yoga Pose is a backbend pose that targets the quads and is ideal for yogis and yoginis…

  • Peacock Yoga Pose

    Peacock Yoga Pose


    Peacock Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for yogis…

  • Feathered Peacock Yoga Pose

    Feathered Peacock Yoga Pose

    Pincha Mayurasana

    Feathered Peacock Yoga Pose is an arm balance, inversion pose that targets the shoulders and is ideal for yogis…

  • Firefly Yoga Pose

    Firefly Yoga Pose


    Firefly Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for yogis…

  • Eight Angle Yoga Pose

    Eight Angle Yoga Pose


    Eight Angle Yoga Pose is an arm balance pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for…

  • Crane Yoga Pose

    Crane Yoga Pose


    Crane Yoga Pose is an arm balance yoga pose that targets the biceps and triceps and is ideal for…

  • Noose Yoga Pose

    Noose Yoga Pose


    Noose Yoga Pose is a seated twist pose that targets the shoulders and quads and is ideal for yogis…

  • Monkey Yoga Pose

    Monkey Yoga Pose


    Monkey Yoga Pose is a seated pose that targets the hamstrings and is ideal for yogis and yoginis at an…

  • Heron Yoga Pose

    Heron Yoga Pose


    Heron Yoga Pose is a seated pose that targets the hamstrings and calves and is ideal for yogis and…