Revolved Knee to Head IV Yoga Pose

Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana IV

Revolved Knee to Head IV Yoga Pose

Revolved Knee to Head IV Yoga Pose is a backbend, arm balance pose that targets the quads and shoulders and is ideal for yogis and yoginis at an advanced level.

svadisthana – the sacral chakra
related poses



How To Do Revolved Knee to Head IV Yoga Pose
  1. Start by entering the Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana), right leg extended in front of you and left leg back. Lean forward slightly, lifting the left foot off of the ground and drawing the heel toward your buttocks. Reach back with the left hand and place your hand on the top of the toes, elbow pointing up toward the ceiling. Press the foot further down with your hand. Try to keep the knee stationary as you do this, adjusting your body if necessary.
  2. Continue leaning forward, completely folding yourself over the right leg. When you’ve lowered your torso down to press against the leg, take hold of your right foot with your right hand. Inhale as you lengthen your spine further, drawing your breastbone up and away from your navel.
  3. Take your right elbow and place it on the inside of your right leg, grabbing the big toe of your foot with your index finger. Pull your left shoulder back, opening your torso up so you are facing away from the right side of your body. Focus on keeping your waist and spine long. Exhale and open up further, rotating your torso to the left.
  4. Gently rotate your head to face up at the ceiling without compressing your neck. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, breathing rhythmically. To come out of the pose, inhale as you let go of your feet and untwist your body. Lift your torso back to the Monkey Pose, then switch legs and repeat all steps.
  • Breathe deeply through each step.
  • Do not attempt this pose if you are unfamiliar with or unable to perform the Monkey Pose (Hanumanasana) comfortably.
  • If you have a history of groin or hamstring injuries, consult an instructor or doctor before attempting this pose.
  • Avoid this pose if you are experiencing back pain or diarrhea.

Use the elbow on the inside of the leg to aid in twisting the torso and deepen the stretch.
Instead of relying only on your torso to complete the pose, keep your legs and arms active, using their strength to deepen your fold further.
If you are unable to reach your feet with your hands, try using a yoga strap, scarf or tie. Wrapping the strap around the arch of front foot, hold both ends of the strap with the same side hand as you rotate yourself, walking your hand up the strap as close to the foot as possible.

Stretches & Strengthens

All Muscles: Hamstrings, calves, inner thighs, quads, groin, shoulders

Target Muscles: Quads, hamstrings, inner thighs

Health Benefits of Revolved Knee to Head IV Yoga Pose
  • May improve digestion and blood circulation.
  • May reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, insomnia and mild depression.
  • Stimulates and tones kidneys, abdominal muscles and organs.
  • Helps prevent running related injuries.

Sanskrit Name & Meaning

Sanskrit Name & Meaning

Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana IV

(par-ee-vrt-tah JAH-new shear-shAHS-anna)

parivrtta: turned around, revolved
janu: knee
sirsa: head, skull, top
asana: posture

History & Mythology

History & Mythology

There’s gotta be some history or mythology on this pose! We’ve looked high and low and have only come up with this message. Perhaps you have some information or resource for us to explore?